EAAgune is the Euskampus artificial intelligence (AI) community, whose aim is to contribute to creating a community of Basque ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) actors in order to optimise knowledge transfer between universities, technology centres and companies.

Mapa de generación
Generation map

Map that aligns the capacities of Basque entities, such as UPV/EHU, Tecnalia, DIPC and BCAM, with the categories that enable artificial intelligence to be developed.

Mapa de aplicación
Application map

Map that aligns the capacities of Basque entities, such as UPV/EHU, Tecnalia, DIPC and BCAM, with the categories related to the use of artificial intelligence for a specific sector or field. 

Mapa de habilitación
Enablement Map

Map that aligns the capacities of Basque entities, such as UPV/EHU, Tecnalia, DIPC and BCAM, with the categories of knowledge that have the function of enabling/modulating/conditioning the generation and application of artificial intelligence in relation to the effective use that is or could be made of AI from a social and individual point of view.

Find out more about EAAGUNE

EAAgune is the community of Basque artificial intelligence (AI) actors for optimising knowledge transfer between universities, technology centres and companies.

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Research groups

86 artificial intelligence-related research groups identified


Training capacities

50 artificial intelligence-related training capacities identified


Equipment and facilities

47 artificial intelligence-related equipment and facilities identified

State of AI Report
AI4MED holds the event Artificial Intelligence (AI): a friend not an enemy to clinicians
Centro Vasco de Inteligencia Artificial, BAIC
Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre (BAIC)
2021, el año de la inteligencia artificial
2021, the year of artificial intelligence
Plate-forme d'Intelligence Artificielle (PFIA) 2021
PFIA 2021 - Artificial Intelligence Platform