2021, the year of artificial intelligence

A growing number of companies and organisations are using AI as a tool to improve the efficiency of their business processes.

Automation, accuracy, and speed in analysing complex data are key elements that these systems master to perfection. This is why investments in this sector are expected to increase ninefold by 2025, from 6 billion euros to 52 billion euros.

The intention is that, from 2021 onwards, there will be considerable investment in these technologies in Europe, the skills to develop them will be fostered, and there will be a commitment to retaining researchers and experts in the sector.

Specifically in Spain, the National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence (ENIA) was approved in December 2020, also with the aim of investing heavily in AI and boosting its development, while ensuring that it is used responsibly. 

Read more at: https://theconversation.com/2021-el-ano-de-la-inteligencia-artificial-157339

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