Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre (BAIC)

BAIC was created to lead and promote the development of artificial intelligence in the Basque Country.

In the words of the Basque President Iñigo Urkullu “This Basque Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centre is the result of public-private consensus and collaboration between 17 entities. BAIC is a tool serving industry, an experimentation and project accelerator laboratory. It is a response to the global challenge of the technological-digital transformation and strengthens the Basque AI ecosystem: companies, technology and research centres, training centres and government”. 

BAIC's promoters are CAF, Deusto Seidor, Euskaltel, Gestamp, Hupi Ibérica, Iberdrola, Inzu Group, ITP Aero, Mondragon Corporación, Onkologikoa, Petronor, Sener, and Versia; scientific and technology agents and training centres, including Tecnalia, Vicomtech and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM). Public collaboration is provided by Grupo SPRI on behalf of the Basque Government's Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment.

The actions of this centre are grouped into nine areas: the creation and reinforcement of Basque R&D capacities in AI, the creation of a local community of experts, the generation and attraction of talent, the transfer of AI to leading Basque companies and SMEs, the development of new business models linked to AI, raising awareness of the concepts of AI and lifelong learning, the development of use cases of AI aimed at different areas of government, contribution to the Basque Data Strategy, the incorporation of ethical and legal aspects in all initiatives and, lastly, positioning and participation in international networks.

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